Il turismo è l’industria che attraversa ogni continente. IEG organizza TTG Travel Experience, InOut, SIA Hospitality Design e SUN Beach&Outdoor Style marketplace europeo del settore, Greenscape e Superfaces dedicata ai materiali innovativi per l’interior, il design e l’architettura. Oltre a favorire il business turistico, questi appuntamenti offrono al comparto contributi culturali avanzati a vantaggio dei territori e delle imprese.
Tourism is the industry that crosses every continent. IEG organizes TTG Travel Experience, InOut, SIA Hospitality Design and SUN Beach&Outdoor Style, the European marketplace, Greenscape and Superfaces dedicated to innovative materials for interiors, design and architecture. As well as favouring tourism business, these events offer the sector leading edge cultural contributions, to the advantage of areas and enterprises.
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